The Fruit of Western Liberalism: Do We Want It in Russia? Part 2 of 2

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(continued from part 1)

Russian children have always known how to stand up to the bad guys!

Cover for international child trade

The enormous scale of international child trade requires complex multilayer criminal cover at various levels of authority, from police officers and social workers to special forces and political lobbies. Journalists Dirk Banze and Mickael Berendt of the German newspaper Die Welt report on a criminal net supplying young children to the pedophilic dens of Belgium and the Netherlands. The article informs on issues beyond child prostitution, as it tells of famous businessmen and prominent government policymakers of various European countries who sexually abuse, torment, and even murder children. Continue reading “The Fruit of Western Liberalism: Do We Want It in Russia? Part 2 of 2”